The Featured product section is designed to draw attention to a special product right on your home page.
Add Featured product to your home page
- In the theme editor (Customize), click [+] Add section
- Locate Featured product
- Click the section, then Add
- Save
Assign the product to display
To activate this section, click Select product and choose the product you'd like to feature. The product images, options, and an add-to-cart (ATC) button are automatically pulled in, allowing customers to view and purchase the product right from the homepage. A View product page link will also display, directing customers to the product page with full description.
Show vendor
Display the vendor label for the selected product by enabling Show vendor. Vendor information can be added via the Products portion of your Shopify admin.
Enable cart redirection
To send customers straight to the cart page after adding an item, select Enable cart redirection.
Disable AJAX
Some apps require disabling AJAX, which is precisely what Enable cart direction allows. To disable AJAX, simply Enable cart direction.
Show dynamic checkout button
This will add a secondary button below the add-to-cart (ATC) that will take customers directly to the Checkout process. Each customer will see their preferred payment method from those available on your store, such as PayPal or Apple Pay.
Product gallery settings
Use the Desktop layout dropdown to select a display style for the product images. These determine how the images are sized and displayed. The options are:
- Slideshow thumbnails bottom
- Slideshow thumbnails left
- Slideshow thumbnails right
- List view
Use the Desktop position dropdown to determine whether the product images appear on the Left or Right side of the section.
Use the Tablet & mobile position dropdown to control the position of the images for smaller devices. Choose either Above or Below to position the images in relation to the product title.
Social sharing buttons
Include buttons for customers to share the product to their preferred social media platform or email by selecting Enable social sharing.